1. Sign up for a free
membership card
No membership fees - register today and download our app!
2. Get instant deals
and savings
Show your card or claim deals with the app at Qooway merchants!
3. Earn QooPoints and
Redeem for Rewards
Log in to your account to see what rewards you can get. How?
Get the free membership card now!
To get your instant deal, show your Qooway card or claim it through the App!
How do I earn and redeem QooPoints?
View our merchants today to see where you can start getting deals and QooPoints!
Or become a Gold member today to earn QooPoints faster .
Option 1:
Go to the Qooway App and tap
"Redeem My Points" in the menu!
Option 2:
Log in to your account and
click "Redeem My Points"!
What are the rewards?
After you receive your Qoopoints from visiting Qooway Merchants,
use them to redeem for various rewards, i.e. gift vouchers